Additional Space for the Animals
The Lycoming County SPCA held a ground breaking ceremony on Friday, March 8, 2013 at their facility on Reach Road. Plans are underway to add additional space for incoming felines, a future surgical room, and a multi-purpose space that will be used for dog training, behavior tests, and a post-operative recovery area.
Plans call for three additional rooms. One room will be set aside for incoming cats. Incoming cats will be processed and their records stored in the SPCA data base. Staff will check lost reports in the hopes or reuniting pets with their owners. Then the felines will be evaluated for health and temperament, receive inoculations, worming, microchip, and have their spay or neuter surgery scheduled. They will then be moved out to the public area for adoption.
A second, larger space, is designated as the multipurpose room. This are will be used for temperament testing the dogs, training classes for SPCA volunteers and dogs; public dog training classes, and as a post-operative recovery area.
The third space is being planned as a surgery area. Currently the SPCA takes animals to local veterinarians for spaying and neutering. By having a surgical space, the SPCA can plan for veterinary services on site.
This addition has been made possible through the generous donations of: Ms. Melanie Ruth Johnson on behalf of her family: Barbara S Goldstein, Melanie Goldstein Johnson, and Marsha E. Goldstein in memory of their father, August Goldstein, Jr., who loved dogs; The First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania from their great grant program; and Mark Barbour in memory of his parents Grace and Robert Barbour of Montoursville who loved cats.
Staff and volunteers at the Lycoming County SPCA have shown how versatile they are by making use of any space for temperament testing and training. Volunteer animal handling class has been held in the lobby, conference room and even the garage. Now that construction will begin, the office spaces are being rearranged. While the various rooms at the shelter may seem to be in disarray, the SPCA is still providing the best possible care for the animals.
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