Giving Tuesday is an international day of giving. It is celebrated the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, following the popular shopping days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Our shelter has been participating in Giving Tuesday since 2015.
#GivingTuesday also kicks off the charitable season, when people focus on holiday and end-of-year giving to their favorite non-profits. In 2016, 40,000 nonprofits around the world raised over $168 million on #GivingTuesday. This year, we are asking loyal donors to help us step up our efforts. In addition to making a gift on November 28th, we are asking donors to share their passion for giving to the Lycoming County SPCA with friends and family who also love animals.
Our goal is to raise over $100,000 for our operating budget and to replenish the Joyce Hershberger Medical Fund with $10,000.
Why are we seeking these funds? We have been challenged by an influx of animals requiring extensive medical care which has strained our budget for medications and veterinary care. Stanley is just one example of how medical and surgical care has added to our costs.
Stanley recovering after surgery. Each day, shelter staff gently help Stanley with his daily care as he makes his way toward recovery. Stanley is just one of the thousands of animals the Lycoming County SPCA serves each year.
Stanley (bottom right) is a resident in one of our two cat quarantine rooms where cats receive specialized medical attention.
This affectionate cat developed a prolapsed colon. Rather than euthanize this sweetheart, Stanley received veterinary care amounting to $982! That figure does not include the daily care given by the staff to keep him healthy. Stanley is still at the shelter being monitored and cared for until we can release him for adoption. With thousands of animals coming through our doors every year, you can see why your help is so vital.
To learn more about this relatively new event, visit To support the privately-funded Lycoming County SPCA, donate here or send a gift to 2805 Reach Road, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Thank you for your consideration and VERY BEST WISHES for a joyful holiday season!