Mother. Life-giving, life-sustaining, loving. We all need our mother, especially in the earliest days of our lives. Little kittens are no exception. Like newborn human babies, kittens nurse every two hours around the clock. Separated from their mothers out on the streets, they die. How that […]
There he was. A little black fluffball of a dog, looking more bat than dog with his large ears and tiny body. His name was Igor. Dropped off that morning by a concerned citizen who found him wandering as a stray in the city, volunteer Amy […]
Above: Hector, waiting here for almost two years, and his biggest fan, kennel attendant Abby. -By Executive Director, Victoria Stryker- This frequently asked question is a surprise because we have stopped the euthanasia of adoptable animals for quite a while.  The only animals we euthanize are aggressive […]
Friday, July 6, 2018 – Philly Caroline “We drove 25 hours from Denver to Philly (with a few hours of sleeps) and it was extremely uneventful. So I’ll leave you with this quote! Caroline “I urge you to travel. As far and as much as possible. […]
Friday, June 29, 2018 Caroline “On Friday we made it to the desert in Utah! The area we went to was very remote, which had its pros and cons. Thurston was free to roam wherever he pleased. We ended up driving over 100 miles on dirt […]
Thursday, June 28, 2018 Caroline “Thurston was well rested and ready for more adventures by Thursday morning! We hit the road out of salt lake and to the desert! Midway we decided it was too hot to go straight to the desert, so we searched for […]
Tuesday, June 26, 2018 Caroline “Yesterday (Tuesday) we drove from western Utah to Salt Lake City. We stopped at the Bonneville Salt Flats and it was unlike anything I’ve seen so far! It was flat and salty for as far as we could see, except for […]
June 25, 2018 – Nevada (still) Caroline “We woke up Monday morning and played a round of “where’s Thurston?” as he was hunting jackrabbits through the desert bushes. He was unsuccessful.” “Then as we were leaving to drive 6 hours to Utah, my trusty Subaru Forester […]
Sunday, June 24, 2018 – Nevada Caroline “Libby and I went to church Sunday morning while Thurston slept in at the motel. We drove to Nevada, but not without exploring another dirt road. This one was a winner! We drove as far as we could and […]
June 23, 2018 – Northern California Caroline “Our first stop once we started the (long) trek east was Redwood National Forest. Libby and Thurston found a tree they wanted to claim as their home, but eventually gave up that dream.”   Caroline “We were going to […]

Our mission is to protect all domestic animals by: providing shelter, emergency treatment, investigation and prosecution of cruelty or abuse complaints; adoption and counseling; education programs; and humane care through Lycoming County.


Monday: 11 AM – 6:30 PM
Tuesday: 11 AM – 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 11 AM – 4 PM
Thursday: 11 AM – 6:30 PM
Friday: 11AM – 6:30 PM
Saturday: 11AM – 4 PM
Sunday and Holidays: Closed